Tourist Q
Q Tourist Quality is a renowned Spanish seal aimed at the voluntary certification of tourist services, granted to FCC Medio Ambiente (No. 04751/18) in relation to its services associated with tourism, such as park, garden and ground cleaning and conservation and beach, coast and coastal water cleaning services.
FCC Medio Ambiente was the first company in Spain to be certified for services of this nature, reflecting the innovative character of the company and a seal that guarantees quality, safety and professionalism. With this certification, it has managed to link the quality of its services with users of green spaces and beaches, so that the quality criteria applied during the provision of cleaning and conservation services at parks, gardens and green spaces and beach cleaning services can attract tourists. Such an interest has a direct impact on how citizens perceive the work of town and city councils on their green areas and beaches.

Ground maintenance services at Las Palmas and beach cleaning service in El Campello