Health and Safety
All companies operating for FCC Medio Ambiente have a Joint Prevention Service that covers the three technical disciplines across the national territory: Safety at the Workplace, Industrial Hygiene and Ergonomics and Applied Psychosociology, as well as the Occupational Medicine specialisation in the provinces offering the medical services of Fomento de Construcciones y Contratas S.A.
FCC Medio Ambiente permanently improves its activities, guaranteeing an effective rendering of services to our customers, taking into account safety and the promotion of the health of its workers, both at and out of the workplace.
An Occupational Risk Prevention Management System has been implemented for the Environmental activities, following the criteria to carry out the preventive activities of the ISO 45001 specifications.
A Management System has been implemented for the Environmental activities, following the health and safety criteria of the ISO 45001 standard.
The Senior Management, which is responsible for defining and implementing the prevention policy, has prepared the "Management Policy" document, which includes the principles that must govern preventive action at FCC Medio Ambiente.
FCC Medio Ambiente Spain Management Policy
Occupational health and safety as a permanent requirement
The achievement of health and safety objectives and the improvement of the frequency, severity and absenteeism rates require the establishment of priorities associated with training on risk prevention, reinforcing the monitoring and permanent effort to raise awareness and mobilise all collaborators. To this end, FCC continues to deploy devices that have proven to be effective and rely on analytical tools to better identify the determining aspects in the improvements that we must continue to introduce in the medium-term prevention policy.
Safety and health model for waste treatment centres
Pilot project "HEALTH AND SAFETY MODEL FOR THE WASTE TREATMENT CENTRES OF FCC ENVIRONMENT", executed by a joint work group between the Occupational Risk Prevention Department, the Waste Treatment Department and the Castilla y León Branch, with the aim of defining the minimum Health and Safety and Industrial Safety requirements at any Waste Treatment Centre (WTC).
The activities carried out by FCC Medio Ambiente include Solid Urban Waste Treatment and Elimination, in which the accident severity and rate can be higher, since this type of process is associated with jams between two conveyor belts or in maintenance tasks associated with the process line, as well as with access points of the infrastructure.
The WTC of Salamanca was chosen as the prototype centre, with the purpose of determining the most frequent risks of this activity, establishing the preventive practices that can avoid them and, finally, exporting these initiatives to all other treatment plants of FCC Medio Ambiente.
Waste Treatment Centre of Salamanca
The purpose of this project is to prevent serious, very serious and fatal accidents, for which it is essential to eliminate the dangers, or minimise the risks associated with dangers that cannot be eliminated, present in the Waste Treatment Centres and to establish preventive measures, as required to achieve the highest possible safety levels in the tasks performed by our workers.
The Occupational Risk Prevention Department launched a Technical Instruction to define the minimum Health and Safety requirements that must be met by the Waste Treatment Centres, Transfer Plants and Landfill Sites of FCC Medio Ambiente.
Measures to improve survival in case of cardiac arrest
Voluntary installation of semiautomatic defibrillators (DESA) at the main work centres of the Madrid branch: to provide a response to cardiac arrests. DESA devices increase the chances of survival to a cardiac arrest by 70 to 90% if they are applied in the first two minutes, in addition to helping the victim not suffer serious consequences after the cardiac arrest. In addition, a large number of workers have been trained on handling defibrillators and basic life support systems and specific training on these matters is planned.

Image of the semi-automatic defibrillators at the main work centres of the Madrid Branch
Occupational health and safety awards
The FCC Group organises the Safety and Health Awards, which are aimed at recognising the work and making visible the dedication and the value that the organisation and its members confer to the prevention of occupational risks and the promotion of health in all fields of action.
In the fourth edition of the Health and Safety Awards, the Levante I and Central branches received an Award in the Health Promotion and Occupational Risk Prevention category (technical measures subcategory).
a) "HEALTH COMES FIRST" Programme (Levante I Branch): With the health monitoring results and the participation of workers in an anonymous survey, excessive weight is noted as the main health problem, so it is decided to act on it through a programme, which most of the workers joined (Contract for the collection of SUW and road cleaning at the municipality of Paterna).

Informative talk about healthy eating habits for the staff and promotional poster to promote the use of bicycles
b) SMART WASTE TRANSFER PLANT (Central Branch): Control/elimination of the risks of falling into the feeding pit and entrapment in the compaction and transfer area through the study and execution of technological measures and the use of artificial intelligence, reconfiguring the plant, as a "Smart" plant.

Civil works in the unloading zone (walls, handrails, bollards and speed reduction systems) + automatic control system for automatic barrier activation in secure position and compaction zone with fixed handrail, plus interlocking system activated by camera contact and visual and acoustic alarm. Double detection system for intrusion in danger zone