Comprehensive Energy Management
At FCC Medio Ambiente we are working to improve energy efficiency and reduce the carbon footprint of cities through the development and implementation of new LED lighting systems as well as advanced regulation and control systems through remote management.
- 338,000 inhabitants served
- 71,000 managed lighting points
- 22,300 MWh/year saved
- 6,66 million tonnes per year of CO2 not emitted into the atmosphere

This is in line with the EU's target to increase energy efficiency by 20% by 2020, as lighting accounts for approximately 50% of urban electricity consumption.
FCC Medio Ambiente and FCC Industrial work successfully on energy efficiency tenders for different Spanish municipalities
The collaboration that is being developed between FCC Medio Ambiente and FCC Industrial regarding the presentation of bids for energy efficiency tenders in different Spanish municipalities is proving very successful. In recent months, the comprehensive public lighting services provided by both FCC Group entities in joint ventures have been developed for the municipal corporations of Vigo (Pontevedra), Gelves (Seville), Tias (Lanzarote), Lepe (Huelva) and Montroig del Campo (Tarragona). The scope of the work involves the management and maintenance of municipal electrical installations and municipal outdoor lighting. The joint global portfolio is around €47.5 million and the average execution period is 11 years.
The essential objective of all the awards achieved by FCC Environment and FCC Industrial consists of achieving a genuine energy and economic saving without reducing the safety and comfort conditions of the users. In addition, the energy savings obtained from the efficiency measures introduced allows a reduction of the carbon footprint of customers. Following the execution of these contracts, FCC Industrial and FCC Environment will have replaced more than 18,000 lights with other more energy efficient ones, which therefore benefits around 361,000 inhabitants.