Sustainable Initiatives

As the third pillar of the 20-22 Action Plan, FCC CONNECTED aims to improve citizen well-being while contributing to the social and economic development of the communities served by the organisation via social and environmental actions designed to improve urban quality of life. We maintain a constant dialogue with our stakeholders through multiple communication channels (refer to chapter 9) so that we can always stay abreast of their expectations.

FCC Medio Ambiente has forged a network of alliances through a range of initiatives, contracts and master agreements entered into with numerous institutions and associations, and this network is an essential cornerstone of sustainability for the organisation to bolster its social and innovation-related activities.

FCC Medio Ambiente contributed resources in 2020 for the development and implementation of initiatives whose benefits directly or indirectly reverted to society, for an economic valuation of €2.76 million.

According to the classification criteria, 67% of the resources were allocated to environmental initiatives and the remaining 33% to social actions. Social initiatives predominated with 63 % of the total number of initiatives.