PLASMIX (LIFE18 ENV/ES/000045: Plastic Mix Recovery and PP& PS Recycling from Municipal Solid Waste) (2019-2022)
Project developed by a consortium led by FCC Medio Ambiente with other seven entities (Stadler, Lindner, Pellenc, Andaltec, Anaip and University of Granada), co-financed by the European LIFE programme and approved in June 2019.
The Plasmix Project aims to study the recovery and flow of Plastics Mix from municipal waste, searching for the optimal recovery line for each type of material present in said flow (PP, PS and EPS).
These materials will be recycled into high-quality granules for use in new products, including food packaging.
The project has a budget of €5.33 million and will last 3.5 years.
During 2022, the washing line has been started up, allowing the first tonnes of recycled pellets to be obtained from Mixed Plastics.
Official project website: