LUCRA (SustainabLe sUCcinic acid production using an integRAted electrochemical bioreactor and renewable feedstock)
Project n°: 101112452 – LUCRA – HORIZON-JU -CBE-2022
- Official website:
FCC Medio Ambiente participates in this project that will use municipal solid waste and wood waste as raw materials for the large-scale production of bio-based chemical products with high performance and great interest for industrial end users, from a circular bioeconomy biorefinery approach. LUCRA proposes an innovative technology for the electrochemical extraction of succinic acid through the circular use of the aforementioned resources, which greatly reduces dependence on fossil resources by developing a sustainable succinic acid production route. The process implemented at LUCRA aims to reduce the cost of bio-succinic acid and will demonstrate a 50% GHG reduction compared to conventional succinic acid.