Message from the CEO of the FCC Group: a new era
It is a great pleasure for me to welcome you to the new website of FCC Environment, the environmental services area of the FCC Group, which is also a world leader in water and infrastructure management.
For us, dialogue and transparency with our stakeholders is vital. That is why we are continuously involved in a digital transformation process, improving and renewing our channels, to make all the latest information about the company available to those who visit us.
For more than 100 years we have been making cities cleaner and more sustainable, serving citizens as experts in all aspects that improve their quality of life at a municipal level: waste collection, management and recycling, street cleansing, comprehensive energy management or facility management, among other services.
We hope that through these pages you may get a good knowledge of the solutions that we offer cities in order for them to become more sustainable, efficient and socially responsible; in short, to make them smarter.
We are a company with a strong commitment to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations 2030 Agenda and to the transformation of our society towards a circular economy model. We commit to innovation as the driver of change to achieve those goals, not only in technological aspects, through the implementation of e-mobility in urban service vehicles, energy efficiency and the use of alternative energy, or the improvements in resource recycling; but also in the human aspects of smart services (SHES or Smart Human Environmental Services).
As an example, we have been working extensively for the social and labour inclusion of vulnerable groups with special difficulties regarding insertion; we have values that are included in a Code of Ethics and Conduct and we have established internal policies that actively prevent discrimination due to diversity or gender reasons or situations involving bullying. We also encourage a healthy work and family environment for the people in our team, which are true wealth and the most important asset, thanks to whom we will continue to be the leading global company in services for cities.
Kindest regards,
Pablo Colio Abril
CEO of the FCC Group