FCC Environment presents its Avanza Awards 2021

FCC Medio Ambiente held the awards ceremony for the third edition of the Avanza Awards, which are celebrated every two years since 2017. Six projects were awarded in the categories of Social Initiatives, Quality Improvement, Respect for the Environment and Innovative Solutions.
The Avanza Awards were created with the aim of channelling the know-how of the people at FCC Medio Ambiente, as well as recognising their effort and willingness to participate through proposals that can be translated into operational improvements that increase the company's competitiveness.
The ceremony, which took place this Monday at the corporate headquarters in Las Tablas (Madrid), was presided over by the CEO of FCC Medio Ambiente, Jordi Payet, who in his speech highlighted the importance of the projects developed by each and every one of the employees as a fundamental driving force for innovation in the organisation.
Afterwards, the company's Director of Innovation and Management Systems, Francisco José Huete, and the head of the Quality, Environment and Sustainability department, Susana Pelegrín, were responsible for presenting the projects and handing out the awards together with the CEO.
Manuel Lage and Sergio Verner from the Levante II delegation were the winners in the Social Initiatives category for the project "FCC Equal Comunidad Valenciana, un lugar para todos" (FCC Equal Valencian Community, a place for everyone).
In the Quality category, the prize was shared ex aequo by Jose María García, Carmen Cortés, Miguel Ángel Ávalos, Victor Jesús Martín and Carlos Saiz, from the Andalucía I delegation for their project "Industria 4.0 with Node-Red", together with Jorge García, Alfonso Sánchez and Angel Garcillán from the Levante II delegation for their proposal "The Urban Cleaning 'Influencers'".
Also in the Innovation category, the award was shared by Miquel Boix, Francesc Esquerra, Carles Gimeno and Julio Arribas of the Catalunya I delegation, along with Alberto Arense, Judit Ríos, Laura Benítez, Agustí Gil and Ignasi Oller of TRISA of FCC Ámbito's East delegation. The former for the project "Implementation of Multifraction Containers with Restricted Access and Smart Collection System", carried out in collaboration with the Girona City Council, while the latter received the award for the proposal "Energy Valorisation of Combustible Waste as a Replacement for Natural Gas".
Finally, Daniel Sanz, from the Barcelona and Balearic Islands delegation, was awarded in the Environment category with the entry "E-mobility technologies in Building and Facility Maintenance Services".
With the Avanza Awards, FCC Medio Ambiente recognises the work and effort made by the organisation's personnel who contribute with their day-to-day work to improving the company's competitiveness, social integration, improving the quality of processes, respect for the environment and the development and implementation of innovative solutions or practices, all within the framework of the company's 2050 Sustainability Strategy.
Click here to find out all the information about this year's awarded projects