FCC Medio Ambiente renews the ‘Calculo-Reduzco’ seal granted by the Spanish Office for Climate Change
- FCC renews the OEEC’s ‘Calculo-Reduzco’ seal for the third time for the year 2020
- In 2020 the company avoided the emission of 2.8 million tonnes of CO₂ equivalent into the atmosphere

FCC Medio Ambiente, in compliance with its commitments to reduce Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions, has achieved for the year 2020 and for the third time the ‘Calculo-Reduzco’ (‘I calculate – I reduce’) seal granted by the Spanish Office for Climate Change (OECC, Oficina Española de Cambio Climático, in Spanish), as part of the process of registering carbon footprint, CO2 compensation and absorption projects set up by the Spanish Ministry for Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge (MITERD, Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico, in Spanish ). FCC Medio Ambiente has continuously participated in this registering process since 2013.
The ‘Calculo-Reduzco’ seal is awarded to organisations that calculate and register their Carbon Footprint for a minimum of four years, have a plan for reducing their emissions, and make effective their commitment to reduction. In this regard, FCC Medio Ambiente has achieved an average emission intensity reduction of 4.28% compared to the 2017-2019 triennium, for the 1+2 and 3 scopes. FCC Medio Ambiente understands the fight against climate change as a priority for society at this time and considers it a necessity to contribute to the gradual reduction of Greenhouse Gas emissions. Therefore, the renewal of the ‘Calculo-Reduzco’ seal is a direct consequence of having placed Sustainability as the backbone of the company’s development policy, fact that has materialised over the last financial year in the preparation and publication of the ‘Sustainability Strategy 2050’, which is, among others, aligned with the Spanish Long-Term Decarbonisation Strategy (Estrategia Española de Descarbonización a Largo Plazo, ELP2050) from the Spanish government. FCC Medio Ambiente’s 30-year horizon strategic plan is a reflection of the company’s commitment to support the achievement of the Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs) and meet financial, social and environmental challenges on a global scale, which manifests itself in ambitious objectives for 2050, such as achieving carbon neutrality, 100% of the vehicle fleet with “ECO” and “Zero Emission” labels or increasing investment in R&D&I up to 1% of annual revenues.
(Click here to watch the Sustainability Strategy video)
FCC Medio Ambiente has continued making progress in the definition and validation of calculation tools and methodologies such as the environmental footprint, the carbon footprint and intensity indicators. The quantification of the carbon footprint is carried out through the company’s own tool, the Integrated Service Management Digital Platform ‘VISION’, which makes it possible to identify emissions according to each type of activity, installation and even the process used. This degree of disaggregation of emissions facilitates the identification and subsequent adoption of improvement measures to reduce the carbon footprint.
The reduction of CO2 emissions has been achieved thanks to three fundamental lines of action that in 2020 made it possible to avoid the emission of 2,755,588.09 tonnes of CO2 equivalent into the atmosphere:
- Improvements in waste treatment systems that minimise GHG emissions from waste decomposition compared to the conventional landfill disposal. Among these, the implementation of degasification systems in landfills, the increase of recycling and use of waste, or the setting-up of treatment systems such as biomethanisation or composting.
- Increase in the number of electric and hybrid vehicles in the service fleet, vehicles that significantly reduce GHG emissions compared to combustion vehicles.
- Implementation of energy efficiency measures in the facilities and purchase of energy with guarantee of origin for some of these facilities.