FCC Medio Ambiente
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FCC Medio Ambiente obtains European funding for the development of an Autonomous Platform for Urban Services
FCC Medio Ambiente obtains European funding for the development of an Autonomous Platform for Urban Services
- The project aims to make a 100%-electric chassis-platform that will enable the implementation of autonomous driving in street cleansing vehicles come true
The "Autonomous Platform for Urban Services” (PLAUSU, from its acronym in Spanish) project led by FCC Medio Ambiente has been recognised by the Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI) with the award of a grant co-financed by the European Union’s European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through Spain's Multi-regional Operational Programme (2014-2020).
The aim of the project is to research and develop automation technologies, specifically focused on the operation in autonomous mode of a platform for urban service vehicles in cleansing tasks, and to materialise these technologies on a dual wash down-sweeper vehicle that already incorporates a fully-electric implement driving and propelling system.
PLAUSU has an approved budget of €1,157,991 and will be executed between Madrid and Barcelona at the locations of FCC Medio Ambiente and the University Institute of Automobile Research (INSIA from its acronym in Spanish). It is scheduled to be completed by mid-2025.
FCC Medio Ambiente has been the backbone company of the environmental services of the FCC Group for over 120 years. It currently serves 66 million people in 5,200 municipalities around the world. Its extensive experience can be seen in the diversity of activities carried out, from end-to-end waste collection and management, street and beach cleaning, to the maintenance and upkeep of ground, green areas and sewage networks, among many others.
This project is another example of FCC Medio Ambiente's innovative DNA and is part of the actions of its 2050 Sustainability Strategy (2050SS), a 30-year business development road map that includes very demanding objectives and commitments with high added value for the company and society as a whole, structured into four lines of action: environmental, social, excellence and governance).