FCC Medio Ambiente
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FCC Medio Ambiente joins the Empowering Women and Diversity Management programmes
FCC Medio Ambiente joins the Empowering Women's Talent programme in its commitment to female talent and leadership. Empowering Women's Talent is a powerful talent development programme organised by Equipos&Talento, benchmark medium in Human Resources aimed at HR, Recruitment, Training and Talent managers at the best companies in the country. It focuses on the empowerment of women in companies and will help the company to learn, share, communicate and inspire about gender diversity. After joining the programme, FCC Medio Ambiente receives the Empowering Women's Talent Company seal and also joins the Diversity Leading Company programme, which will contribute to improving the management of diversity and inclusion within its teams.
FCC Medio Ambiente is the first company in the sector to have a Group Equality Plan, which brings together more than 15 companies, a reflection of over 15 years working for gender equality within the company, a journey that began in 2008 with the signing of the first Equality Plan. Beyond the management of gender equality, the company has undertaken commitments for the employment of all types of groups, including initiatives for the recruitment of people with disabilities, victims of gender violence, refugees, immigrants and groups at risk of social exclusion.
FCC Medio Ambiente has also developed numerous programmes and has launched initiatives for the training and promotion of management-level skills (Management Development Programme: Women with High Potential), the development of high-potential young talent under the age of 35 (Youth Business Unit) and comprehensive promotion programmes at all levels (middle management, service management, department, production, management and management).
In the words of Luis Suárez, head of Global Human Resources at FCC Servicios Medio Ambiente, ‘the company believes that the key to organisation's success is being able to count on a workforce built on the principles of equality, diversity and inclusion, which, for over a decade, it has made us a benchmark in the environmental sector, not only nationally but also internationally’.
All these initiatives are part of the social axis of FCC Medio Ambiente's 2050 Sustainability Strategy, a 30-year business development roadmap presented in 2021 that includes very demanding objectives and commitments with high added value for the company and society as a whole, integrated into four lines of action: environmental, social, excellence and governance. Specifically in the social axis, the company seeks to achieve gender balance in the workforce by 2050, increase the volume and activity of insertion employment, and increase the percentage of new hires of young graduates.