FCC Medio Ambiente organises an Awareness Day on Sexual and Gender-based Harassment

FCC Medio Ambiente held today an awareness-raising seminar on sexual and gender-based harassment at its headquarters in Madrid. The event, which was widely followed both in person and online, was attended by Begoña Suárez, deputy director-general for Entrepreneurship, Equality in Business and Collective Bargaining for Women at the Women's Institute of the Spanisg Government's Ministry of Equality, and Ana Isabel García, senior professor in Labour Law and Social Security at Carlos III University of Madrid. On behalf of FCC Medio Ambiente were Íñigo Sanz, CEO of FCC Servicios Medio Ambiente, and Luis Suárez, Human Resources global director.
The aim of the event was to raise awareness among the attendees of the importance of having a working environment free of any kind of discrimination, especially behaviour, comments or treatment that could constitute sexual harassment, as part of the company's commitment to a society free of gender-based violence.
After a brief introduction by Luis Suárez, Íñigo Sanz emphasised the need to have a company free of harassment and the involvement of all people in the fulfilment of the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy, regardless of the position or function they hold. Ana Isabel García gave a presentation focused specifically on sexual harassment in the workplace and the procedures to follow. Begoña Suárez then took over to talk about the importance of awareness, commitment and the need to have tools to use in this type of situation. After the presentations, there was a Q&A, as well as a brief debate and discussion led and moderated by Luis Suárez in which the attendees had the opportunity to raise some doubts and comment on aspects to be highlighted.
This event continues FCC Medio Ambiente's long history of implementing programmes, internal procedures and positive measures aimed at creating a working atmosphere that fosters respect among employees, equal opportunities for men and women and the integration of diversity.